
Year 2010, wind sensor data, 15 minute intervals, from the Ipswich Bay Yacht Club pier located in Ipswich, MA


Wind sensor measurements (wind speed and wind direction) year 2010 at the Ipswich Bay Yacht Club, Ipswich, MA, 15 minute instantaneous measurement.

Data set ID: 



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Data sources: 



The data file represents wind speed and wind direction data from the PIE LTER weather station located at the Ipswich Bay Yacht Club, Ipswich, MA.
Sensors used:
Wind speed and direction
RM Young 05103 Wind monitor

Data is recorded using a YSI DCP 6200 data collection platform with Zeno datalogger and Ecowatch software . Wind speed and direction are instantaneous measurements at 15 minute intervals. YSI DCP 6200 and Ecowatch software did not have program capability for 5 sec wind measurements and calculated 15 min averages, nor capability for determining max wind speed at a specific time.

RM Young 05103, Sensor is mounted on top of 15 ft pole which is mounted on top of IBYC pier deck railing secured to a post.
Pole 15 ft
Railing 3.3 ft above deck
Deck is ~22.5 ft above sediment bottom
High tide water level ~ 16 ft
Sensor is 40.8 ft above water bottom or ~ 24 ft (7 meters) above high tide water level

Installation of RM Young 05103 Wind Sensor at IBYC, December 20, 2005
The sensor and mounting pipe were attached next to the existing RF antenna pole used for the YSI sonde radio transmission.
The mounting pipe consisted of three, five foot galvanized threaded pipes, ¾” diameter coupled together. A 1” to ¾” reducing fitting was attached to the top to accommodate the 1” diameter fitting for the sensor.
Junction box facing “South”, 180 degrees opposite true North (16 degree declination
from magnetic North).
Ecowatch software, new configuration file (IBYCMet.s62) set up for the sensor.
Initially set up to record wind speed and direction every 3 minutes and radiotransmit every 15 minutes.
When the sondes are reconnected in the Spring of 2006, the IBYCChl.s62 config file will need to have the MET sensors added to it. Since the DO readings are measured on 15 minute intervals, the wind will also have to be measured on that same interval, Ecowatch can not have different measurement time intervals for different sensors. Zeno datalogger with YSI set up not capable of taking measurements every 5 seconds and then averaging for 15 minutes as with Campbell dataloggers and weather stations.


Final data set for Year 2010
Version 01, 10Jun2013, metadata and data updated to comply with importation to Drupal and LTER PASTA. Used MarcrosExportEML_HTML (working)pie_excel2007.xlsm 3/14/12 12:02 PM for QA/QC to EML 2.1.0


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