PIE LTER Publications

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Howarth R.W, Anderson D., Church T., Greening H., Hopkinson C., Huber W., Marcus N., Naiman R., Segerson K., Sharpley A. et al..  2000.  Clean Coastal Waters: Understanding and reducing the effects of nutrient pollution.. Ocean Studies Board and Water Science and Technology Board, Commission on Geosciences, Environment, and Resources, National Research Council..
Huang B, Huang J, Pontius RGilmore, Tu Z.  2018.  Comparison of Intensity Analysis and the land use dynamic degrees to measure land changes outside versus inside the coastal zone of Longhai, China. Ecological Indicators. 89:336–347.
Huang X., Morris J.T..  2005.  Distribution of phosphatase activity in marsh sediments along an estuarine salinity gradient.. Marine Ecological Progress Series. 292:75-83.
Huang T, Wollheim WM, Jones SH.  2022.  Removal of Fecal Indicator Bacteria by River Networks. Water. 14:617.
Huang B., Huang J., Pontius, Jr. R.G., Tu Z..  2018.  Comparison of Intensity Analysis and the land use dynamic degrees to measure land changes outside versus inside the coastal zone of Longhai, China. Ecological Indicators. 89:336-347.
Huffaker D., Pontius, Jr. R.G..  2002.  Reconstruction of Historical Land Cover in the Ipswich Watershed.. Biological Bulletin. 203:253-254.
Huffaker D..  2003.  The scale at which land change models are accurate.. B.S.
Hughes J.E, Deegan L.A., Peterson B.J., Holmes R.M., Fry B..  2000.  Nitrogen flow through the food web in the oligohaline zone of a New England estuary.. Ecology. 81:433-452.
Jankowski KJo, Johnson K, Sethna L, Julian P, Wymore AS, Shogren AJ, Thomas PK, Sullivan PL, McKnight DM, McDowell WH et al..  2023.  Long-Term Changes in Concentration and Yield of Riverine Dissolved Silicon From the Poles to the Tropics. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 37:e2022GB007678.
Jezycki K..  2019.  Assessing heavy metal pollution in estuarine systems along the eastern United States in relation to land use land cover changes.. MS
Jin S, Liu Y, Fagherazzi S, Mi H, Qiao G, Xu W, Sun C, Liu Y, Zhao B, Fichot CG.  2021.  River body extraction from sentinel-2A/B MSI images based on an adaptive multi-scale region growth method. Remote Sensing of Environment. 255:112297.
Johnson D.S., Martinez-Soto K.S., Pant M., Wittyngham S.S, Goetz E.M..  2020.  The fiddler crab Minuca pugnax () (Decapoda: Brachyura: Ocypodidae) reduces saltmarsh algae in its expanded range . Journal of Crustacean Biology.
Johnson D.S., Heard R..  2017.  Bottom-up control of parasites. Ecosphere. 8
Johnson DSamuel, Crowley C, Longmire K, Nelson J, Williams B, Wittyngham S.  2019.  The fiddler crab, Minuca pugnax, follows Bergmann's rule. Ecology and Evolution. 9:14489–14497.
Johnson D.S., Fleeger J.W..  2009.  Weak response of saltmarsh infauna to ecosystem-wide nutrient enrichment and fish predator reduction: A four-year study. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 373:35-44.
Johnson D.S..  2015.  The savory swimmer swims North: A northern range extension of the blue crab Callinectes sapidus? Journal of Crustacean Biology. 35:105-110.
Johnson D.S., Crowley C., Longmire K., Nelson J.A., Williams B., Wittyngham S..  2019.  The fiddler crab, Minuca pugnax, follows Bergmann’s rule.. Ecology and Evolution. 9:14489-14497.
Johnson D.S., Williams B.L..  2017.  Sea level rise may increase extinction risk of a saltmarsh ontogenetic habitat specialist. Ecology and Evolution.
Johnson D.S..  2008.  Trophic control of saltmarsh invertebrates. Ph.D.
Johnson D.S., Jessen B.J..  2008.  Do spur-throated grasshoppers, Melanoplus spp. (Orthoptera: Acrididae), exert top-down control on smooth cordgrass Spartinaalterniflora in northern New England? Estuaries and Coasts. 31:912-919.
Johnson D.S., Fleeger J.W., Deegan L.A..  2009.  Large-scale manipulations reveal that top-down and bottom-up controls interact to alter habitat utilization by saltmarsh fauna. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 377:33-41.
Johnson D.S., Fleeger J.W., Galván K.A., Moser E.B..  2007.  Worm holes and their space-time continuum: Spatial and temporal variability of macroinfaunal annelids in a northern New England salt marsh. Estuaries and Coasts. 30:226-237.
Johnson D.S., Shields J.D., Doucette D., Heard R..  2020.  A climate migrant escapes its parasites. Marine Ecological Progress Series. 641:111-121.
Johnson D.S., Warren R.S., Deegan L.A., Mozdzer T.J..  2016.  Saltmarsh plant responses to eutrophication. Ecological Applications.
