
Boundaries of the Ipswich River and Parker River Watersheds - Idrisi Vector File.


This datalayer is part of a group of layers used for research in the Ipswich River Watershed. This layer was created in July 2006 for Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) in Woods Hole. This layer shows the boundaries for the Ipswich River and the Parker River Watersheds. This datalayer has complete information. Display watershed boundaries for the study area.

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In ArcMap, the Ipswich and Parker Watersheds were selected with the select feature tool and the selected features were exported as a new shapefile.
Orignal map titled "Major Watersheds" downloaded from MassGIS, source date June 2000.

The new watershed file was imported into Idrisi Kiliminjaro as a vector file. The .vdc file was edited to assign the names of each watershed to the proper polygon.

Process_Date: 200611


Information relevant to the GIS data encoding

shows the watershed delineations in the Plum Island Ecosystem study areaHorizontal Coordinate System Name:NAD 1983 StatePlane Massachusetts Mainland FIPS 2001

Datum: D North American 1983
Reference Ellipsoid: Name: GRS 1980 Semi Axis: 6378137.0
Meridian: Greenwich
Projection Name : Lambert Conformal Conic


Progress: Complete. Maintenance and Update Frequency: As needed. Edition: 1st

Metadata converted from MSWord documentation on 1.15.2013 by M. Hayn using "PIE_WordMetaConvert" package developed for conversion of data to EML 2.1.0 in R environment.

8/1/2019 corrected lat/long inversion for Ipswich Watershed boundary box.



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