
Hydrology - Stream Centerlines - Ipswich Watershed - Idrisi Raster File.


This datalayer is part of a group of layers used for research in the Ipswich River Watershed. This datalayer was rasterized from the vector line data
set “ip30_hydrology”, a modified version of the hydrology layer available from MassGIS for the Ipswich Watershed. To be used to generate a
hydrologically corrected Digital Elevation Model, and to examine sampling site catchments or sub-watersheds within the Ipswich River Watershed.

Data set ID: 



Short name: 


Data sources: 



Downloaded from MassGIS, imported into ArcView 3.2 as ArcView shapefiles.
Edited to simplify drainage within wetlands, and to match orthophotos of the watershed as provided on MassGIS. Edited data was imported into IDRISI format, and extended to the Ipswich study area window. This layer contains information only in those cells included inside the towns mask, therefore is consistent with all other “info” category maps.

Process_Date: 200106


Information relevant to the GIS data encoding

This layer shows stream centerlines for the Ipswich Study area, based upon MassGISHorizontal Coordinate System Name:NAD 1983 StatePlane Massachusetts Mainland FIPS 2001

Datum: D North American 1983
Reference Ellipsoid: Name: GRS 1980 Semi Axis: 6378137.0
Meridian: Greenwich
Projection Name : Lambert Conformal Conic
Number of bands : 1
Raster Origin : Lower Left
Rows : 1152
Columns : 1692
Cell Geometry :pixel


Progress: Complete. Maintenance and Update Frequency: None Planned. Edition: 1ed

Metadata converted from MSWord documentation on 1.15.2013 by M. Hayn using "PIE_WordMetaConvert" package developed for conversion of data to EML 2.1.0 in R environment.

Corrected latitude error previous Word Doc file had switched North and South latitudes



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