Estuarine Physics

PIE LTER 2005 Digital elevation model for the Plum Island Sound estuary, Massachusetts, filtered_grd, last filtered grid - Raster


On April 18 and 19, 2005 LIDAR (Light Detection and Radar) flights occured in the lower portion of the Plum Island Sound, Massachusetts estuary and were timed to correspond to low tides to minimize higher tide influences on pulsed returns. The LIDAR survey was conducted by the National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping (NCALM). This data set consists of a one meter Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in ESRI GRID file format based upon last filtered grid (bare-earth) data from the LIDAR flights.

Data set ID: 



Short name: 



The PIE LTER 2005 Digital Elevation Model (DEM) provides a detailed digital elevation survey of the marsh and intertidal habitats of the Plum Island Sound estuary, Massachusetts. The DEM was generated from laser altimetry or LIDAR during low tides in the Spring of 2005. The elevation data provide important surface characteristics of the PIE marsh platform that influence the growth of vegetation and the formation and maintenance of ponds and tidal creek networks, and complement other PIE LTER studies, such as sedimentation.

Data sources: 



Detailed methods are included in the ProcessingReport.pdf file available in the directory.

Information relevant to the GIS data encoding

The DEM data is available in ESRI GRID file format where “filtered_grd” represents bare-earth grid
Grid Parameters
Cell Size: 1m
Griding Method: Kriging
Kriging parameters:
Variogram: Linear
Nugget Variance: 0.07 meters
MicroVariance: 0.00 meters
SearchDataPerSector: 10
SearchMinData: 5
SearchMaxEmpty: 1
SearchRadius: 40m
Projection: MA-Mainland State Plane, with orthometric heights in NAVD88 computed using NGS GEOID03 model.


Progress: Complete. Maintenance and Update Frequency: None. Edition: Not Applicable

Additional information: 

GIS-PIE-estuaryDEM-2005 data consists of a DEM in ESRI grid file format.

LIDAR data was provided by The Plum Island Ecosystems LTER site, The Ecosystems Center, MBL, Woods Hole, MA via the NSF supported National Center for Airborne Laser Altimetry (NCALM).  Significant funding for generation of these data was provided by the National Science Foundation Long-Term Ecological Research program under Cooperative Agreements #OCE-9726921, #OCE-0423565.

Valentine, Vinton and Charles S. Hopkinson, Jr. 2005. NCALM LIDAR: Plum Island, Massachusetts, USA: 18-19 April 2005. Elevation data and products produced by NSF-Supported National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping (NCALM) for Plum Island Ecosystems Long Term Ecological Research (PIE-LTER) Project. Final version. Woods Hole, MA: The Ecosystems Center, Marine Biological Laboratory.

There is additional raw data (point data) associated with the LIDAR flights on April 18-19 2005. This data is available upon request from the PIE LTER Information manager, Data requesters will be asked to provide an appropriately sized digital media (external hard drive) for copies of the large point data files. Five DVD dataset offline for more info see Readme.pdf available in the directory.


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