
Porewater nutrient concentration data [SRP, NH4+, S-2, Cl-] from several sites along the Rowley and Parker Rivers, MA and Wells NEER, ME.


Porewater nutrient concentration data [SRP, NH4+, S-2, Cl-] from several sites along the Rowley and Parker Rivers, MA and Wells NEER, ME.

Core Areas: 

Data set ID: 



Short name: 




Data sources: 



Porewater is sampled monthly from May through November and bi-monthly from December though April using diffusion samplers.  Samples are retrieved from triplicate poles at depths of 10, 25, 50, 75, and 100 cm.  Soluble reactive phosphorus, NH4, S2, and chloride concentrations are measured in each sample according to standard laboratory protocols (SRP and NH4 – Strickland and Parson (1972); S2 – Otte and Morris (1994)).


MAR-RO-MorrisTr discontinued on 7/1/99.
LTE-MP-LPP began in May 99.
LTE-MP-ORT began in May 00. TYC1 and TY11 are the same sampling pole.



Otte, M. L. and J. T. Morris (1994).  Dimethylsulphoniopropionate (DMSP) in Spartina alterniflora Loisel.  Aquatic Botany 48:239-259.

Strickland, T. D. and T. R. Parsons.  1972.  A Practical Handbook of Seawater Analysis.  Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.


Locations of Porewater Peepers. (Please note that stations were renamed to fit with the PIE-LTER station naming protocol. Previous names are listed in the table below for reference.)

LTE-MP-LPA = Law’s Point low marsh (Spartina alterniflora dominated) plot-level marsh fertilization experimental site

LTE-MP-LPP = Law’s Point high marsh (Spartina patens dominated) plot-level marsh fertilization experimental site

LTE-MP-ORT = Upper Parker River Typha sp. dominated marsh plot-level marsh fertilization experimental site

MAR-RO-LawTr = Law’s Point transect, 100 m from creekbank inland, Loc for this site corresponds to meters from creekbank

MAR-RO-MorrisTr = Morris Island transect

MAR-PR-PD = Freshwater marsh immediately behind the Parker River Dam

MAR-WM-Little = Wells, ME NEER site along Little River


CURRENT STATION NAME                          Previous Name                               LAT                                  LON

LTE-MP-LPA                                                      LPA                                       42.731742                      - 70.842472

LTE-MP-LPP                                                      LPP                                       42.730954                     - 70.842915

LTE-MP-ORT                                                     TY                                         42.756738                      - 70.917717

MAR-RO-LawTr                                                  LP   

MAR-RO-MorrisTr                                              MI   

MAR-PR-PD                                                      PD   

MAR-WM-Little                                                 WM  





Version 01, initial Excel metadata entry
Version 02, 20Jan2010, keyword update
Version 03: June 12, 2017, updated research location info and metadata for DEIMS 7 and PASTA.Used MarcrosExportEML_HTML (working)pie_excel2007_Jun2017.xlsm 6/12/17 11:22 AM for QA/QC to EML 2.1.0
Version 04: June 13, 2017, edited code list for locations to avoid use of interpretive values, ie code > value. Used MarcrosExportEML_HTML (working)pie_excel2007_Jun2017.xlsm 6/12/17 11:22 AM for QA/QC to EML 2.1.0

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