aboveground biomass

Aboveground biomass of Typha sp. at Upper Parker River brackish marsh site.


Aboveground biomass is determined non-destructively during the growing season at a Typha-dominated brackish marsh on the Parker River within the Plum Island Ecosystems (PIE) LTER site.

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General: This data set is part of a study including three on-going plot-level fertilization sites. The first (LTE-MP-LPA) is in the low marsh at Law's Point along the Rowley River. The second (LTE-MP-LPP) is in the high marsh at Law's Point along the Rowley River. The third (LTE-MP-ORT) is in a brackish water marsh on an upstream tributary of the Parker River. Biomass sampling is slightly different at each site, and is accomplished non-destructively at the LTE-MP-LPA and LTE-MP-ORT sites, and destructively at theLTE-MP-LPP site. Biomass sampling at LTE-MP-ORT was discontinued after August 2008.

Sampling Description:
Each experimental site has triplicate 1-m2 plots that are fertilized with N (7.5 mol N/m2/y), P (3.75 mol P/m2/y ), both N and P, or neither N nor P (controls). Fertlization occurs during the growing season only. At LTE-MP-ORT, there are two randomly placed 32cmx32cm subplots are placed per plot for sampling each month. The diameter of the culm at the base of the plant and the number of leaves on each Typha plant within each sub-plot is recorded each month. Starting in 2004, only the C and P plots were censused.

Data processing:
Plant measurements are entered into an EXCEL database, then transformed to biomass using allometric equations (after Daoust, R.J. and D.L. Childers. 1998. Aquatic Botany 62:115-133.).


Collections occur every month from May through October.
Database is updated once annually, usually in the winter.
Study and data collection are ongoing as of Jan 2009.
Version 01: July 11, 2006 Level 3+ EML using Jim Laundre's Excel program
Version 02: January 10, 2007 data and metadata update
Version 03: March 12, 2008 Data and metadata update
Version 04: February 20, 2009 Data and metadata update
Version 05: June 20, 2013, data and metadata updated to comply with importation to Drupal and LTER PASTA. Research location name and description updated.Used MarcrosExportEML_HTML (working)pie_excel2007.xlsm 3/14/13 12:02 PM for QA/QC to EML 2.1.0


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