PIE LTER Publications

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Journal Article
Moulton O.M., Altabet M.A., Beman J.M., Deegan L.A., Lloret J., Lyons M.K., Nelson J.A., Pfister C.A..  2016.  Microbial associations with macrobiota in coastal ecosystems: patterns and implications for nitrogen cycling. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 14:200-208.
Crump B.C., Hopkinson C.S., Sogin M.L., Hobbie J.H..  2004.  Microbial biogeography along an estuarine salinity gradient: the combined influences of bacterial growth and residence time.. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 70:1494-1505.
Bowen J.L., Ward B.B., Morrison H.G., Hobbie J.E., Valiela I., Deegan L.A., Sogin M.L..  2011.  Microbial community composition in salt marsh sediments resists perturbation by nutrient enrichment. The ISME Journal. 5:1540-1548.
Lockfield K., Fleeger J.W., Deegan L.A..  2013.  Mummichog, Fundulus heteroclitus, responses to long-term, whole-ecosystem nutrient enrichment.. Marine Ecological Progress Series. 492:211-222.
Galvan K., Fleeger J.W., Peterson B., Drake D., Deegan L.A., Johnson D.S..  2011.  Natural abundance stable isotopes and dual isotope tracer additions help to resolve resources supporting a saltmarsh food web.. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 410:1-11.
Hughes J.E, Deegan L.A., Peterson B.J., Holmes R.M., Fry B..  2000.  Nitrogen flow through the food web in the oligohaline zone of a New England estuary.. Ecology. 81:433-452.
Kearns P.J., Bulseco-McKim A.N., Hoyt H., Angell J.H., Bowen J.L..  2018.  Nutrient Enrichment Alters Salt Marsh Fungal Communities and Promotes Putative Fungal Denitrifiers. Microbial Ecology.
Kearns P., Angell J.H., Howard E., Deegan L.A., Stanley R.H., Bowen J.L..  2016.  Nutrient enrichment induces dormancy and decreases diversity of active bacteria. Nature Communications. 7
Sweeney J., Deegan L., Garritt R..  1998.  Population size and site fidelity of Fundulus heteroclitus in a macrotidal saltmarsh creek. Biological Bulletin. 195:238-239.
Baker H.K., Nelson J, Leslie H.M..  2016.  Quantifying striped bass (Morone saxatilis) dependence on saltmarsh-derived productivity using stable isotope analysis. Estuaries and Coasts.
Kiehn W.M, Morris J.T..  2009.  Relationships Between Spartina alterniflora and Littoraria irrorata in a South Carolina Salt Marsh. Wetlands. 29:818-825.
McConnell W.J., Millington J.D.A., Reo N.J., Alberti M., Asbjornsen H., Baker L.A., Brozović N., Drinkwater L.E., Drzyzga S.A., Fragoso J. et al..  2011.  Research on coupled human and natural Systems (CHANS): Approach, challenges and strategies. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America. 92:218-228.
Pascal P-Y., Fleeger J.W., Boschker H.T.S., Mitwally H.M., Johnson D.S..  2013.  Response of the benthic food web to short- and long-term nutrient enrichment in saltmarsh mudflats.. Marine Ecological Progress Series. 474:27-41.
Rosenblatt A., Heithaus M.R., Mather M.E., Matich P., Nifong J.C., Ripple W.J., Silliman B.R..  2013.  The roles of large top predators in coastal ecosystems: new insights from Long-Term Ecological Research. . Oceanography. 26:156-167.
Johnson D.S..  2015.  The savory swimmer swims North: A northern range extension of the blue crab Callinectes sapidus? Journal of Crustacean Biology. 35:105-110.
Johnson D.S., Williams B.L..  2017.  Sea level rise may increase extinction risk of a saltmarsh ontogenetic habitat specialist. Ecology and Evolution.
Pautzke S.M., Mather M.E., Finn J.T., Deegan L.A., Muth R.M..  2010.  Seasonal use of a New England estuary by foraging contingents of migratory striped bass. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 139:257-269.
Thomas F, Morris J.T., Wigand C., Sievert S.M..  2019.  Short-term effect of simulated salt marsh restoration by sand-amendment on sediment bacterial communities. PLoS ONE. 14
Ferry K.H., Mather M.E..  2012.  Spatial and temporal diet patterns of young adult and subadult striped bass feeding in Massachusetts estuaries: trends across scales.. Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science. 4:30-45.
Galvan K., Fleeger J.W., Fry B..  2008.  Stable isotope addition reveals dietary importance of phytoplankton and microphytobenthos to saltmarsh infauna. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 359:37-49.
Fry B., Cieri M., Hughes J., Tobias C., Deegan L.A., Peterson B..  2008.  Stable isotope monitoring of benthic-pelagic coupling with salt marsh fish. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 369:193-204.
Dodds W.K., Robinson C.T., Gaiser E.E., Hansen G.J.A., Powell H., Smith J.M., Morse N.B., Johnson S., Gregory S.V., Bell T. et al..  2012.  Surprises and insights from long term aquatic datasets and experiments.. Bioscience. 62:709-721.
Deegan L.A., Bowen J.L., Drake D.C., Fleeger J.W., Friedrichs C.T., Galván K.A., Hobbie J.E., Hopkinson C., Johnson D.S., Johnson J.M. et al..  2007.  Susceptibility of salt marshes to nutrient enrichment and predator removal. Ecological Applications. 17:S-42-S63.
Buchsbaum R., Powell J.C..  2008.  Symposium Review: Long term shifts in faunal assemblages in North American estuaries: A review of a workshop held at the biennial meeting of the Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation (CERF), November 2007, Providence, Rhode Island.. Reviews in Fisheries Biology and Fisheries. 18:447-450.
Crump B.C., Hobbie J.E..  2005.  Synchrony and seasonality in bacterioplankton communities of two temperate rivers. Limnology and Oceanography. 50:1718-1729.
