PIE LTER Publications

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Journal Article
Ludlam J.P., Shull D.H., Buchsbaum R..  2002.  Effects of haying on salt marsh surface invertebrates. Biological Bulletin. 203:250-251.
Green M., Wollheim W.M., Basu N., Gettel G.M., Rao P., Morse N., Stewart R..  2009.  Effective denitrification scales predictably with water residence time across diverse systems. Nature Precedings.
Kearns P.J., Holloway D., Angell J.H., Feinman S.G., Bowen J.L..  2017.  Effect of short-term, diel changes in environmental conditions on active microbial communities in a salt marsh pond. Aquatc Microbial Ecology. 80:29-41.
Kerry J., Boorse D., Buchsbaum R..  2004.  Effect of nutrient enrichment and salinity on salt marsh invertebrates in the Plum Island Estuary.. Biological Bulletin. 207:174.
Koop-Jakobsen K., Giblin A.E..  2010.  The effect of increased nitrate loading on nitrate reduction via denitrification and DNRA in salt marsh sediments. Limnology and Oceanography. 55:789-802.
Claessens L., Hopkinson C., Rastetter E., Vallino J..  2006.  Effect of historical changes in land use and climate on the water budget of an urbanizing watershed. Water Resources Research. 42
Fagherazzi S., Viggato T., Vieillard A.M., Mariotti G., Fulweiler R.W..  2017.  The effect of evaporation on the erodibility of mudflats in a mesotidal estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 194:118-127.
Rastetter E., Vallino J..  2015.  Ecosystem's 80th and the Reemergence of Emergence. Ecosystems. 18:735-739.
Larson K.L., Nelson K.C., Samples S.R., Hall S.J., Bettez N.D., Cavender-Bares J., Groffman P.M., Grove M., Heffernan J.B., Hobbie S. et al..  2015.  Ecosystem service preferences and priorities for residential landscapes: Homogeneity and heterogeneity across diverse cities. . Urban Ecosystems.
Raymond P.A, Hopkinson C.S..  2003.  Ecosystem modulation of dissolved carbon age in a temperate marsh dominated estuary.. Ecosystems. 6:694-705.
Hope A.J., McDowell W.H., Wollheim W.M..  2013.   Ecosystem metabolism and nutrient uptake in an urban, piped headwater stream. Biogeochemistry.
Vallino J.J..  2010.  Ecosystem biogeochemistry considered as a distributed metabolic network ordered by maximum entropy production.. Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society B. 365:1417-1427.
Kratz T.K., Deegan L.A., Harmon M.E., Lauenroth W.K..  2003.  Ecological Variability in Space and Time: Insights Gained from the US LTER Program . BioSciences. 53:57-67.
Groffman P.M., Cavender-Bares J., Bettez N.D., Grove J.M., Hall S.J., Heffernan J.B., S.E. H., Larson K.L., Morse J.L., Neill C. et al..  2014.  Ecological Homogenization of Urban America. Frontiers in Ecology and Environment. :74-81.
Morris J.T.  2007.  Ecological engineering in intertidal saltmarshes.. Hydrobiologia. 577:161-168.
Vieillard A., Fulweiler R.W.RW, Hughes Z., Carey J..  2011.  The ebb and flood of silica: Quantifying dissolved and biogenic silica fluxes from a temperate salt marsh. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 95:415-423.
Wollheim W.M., Peterson B.J., Vorosmarty C., Hopkinson C., Thomas S.A..  2008.  Dynamics of N removal over annual time scales in a suburban river network. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences. 113
Donatelli C, Kalra TSingh, Fagherazzi S, Zhang X, Leonardi N.  2020.  Dynamics of Marsh-Derived Sediments in Lagoon-Type Estuaries. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface. 125:e2020JF005751.
Donatelli C, Kalra TSingh, Fagherazzi S, Zhang X, Leonardi N.  2020.  Dynamics of Marsh‐Derived Sediments in Lagoon‐Type Estuaries. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface. 125
Alexander R.B., Bohlke J.F., Boyer E.W., David M., Harvey J.W., Mulholland P.J., Seitzinger S.P., Tobias C.R., Tonitto C., Wollheim W.M..  2009.  Dynamic modeling of nitrogen losses in river networks unravels the coupled effects of hydrological and biogeochemical processes. Biogeochemistry. 93:91-116.
Nelson J.A., Deegan L., Garritt R.H..  2015.  Drivers of spatial and temporal variability in estuarine food webs. Marine Ecological Progress Series. 533:67-77.
Robison AL, Wollheim WM, Perryman CR, Cotter AR, Mackay JE, Varner RK, Clarizia P, Ernakovich JG.  2022.  Dominance of Diffusive Methane Emissions From Lowland Headwater Streams Promotes Oxidation and Isotopic Enrichment. Frontiers in Environmental Science. 9:791305.
Raymond P.A, Bauer J.E..  2001.  DOC cycling in a temperate estuary: A mass balance approach using natural 14C and 13C isotopes. Limnology and Oceanography. 46:655-667.
Johnson D.S., Jessen B.J..  2008.  Do spur-throated grasshoppers, Melanoplus spp. (Orthoptera: Acrididae), exert top-down control on smooth cordgrass Spartinaalterniflora in northern New England? Estuaries and Coasts. 31:912-919.
Mather M.E., Finn J.T., Pautzke S.M., Fox D., Savoy T., III H.M.Brundage, Deegan L.A., Muth R.M..  2010.  Diversity in destinations, routes and timing of small adult and sub-adult striped bass Morone saxatilis on their southward autumn migration. Journal of Fish Biology. 77:2326-2337.
